Took an Adderall Break Will Doctor Give Me It Again

ADHD medication As an adult ADHD coach, my clients and I talk about many ways to brand life with ADHD easier.

When nosotros focus on the details of their ADHD handling, finding they are making mutual ADHD medication mistakes isn't unusual.

Adults with ADHD don't do this intentionally. About people just don't know what prevents ADHD meds from working correctly.

We traditionally think that you get up, have your medication and go about your day.

Simply there truly are simple day-to-twenty-four hour period activities that can hinder the effectiveness of your medication.

Four ADHD Medication Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

ADHD Medication Mistake #1 : Drinking citrus juice.

The acid in oranges, grapefruits, and vitamin C interrupts the absorption of ADHD medications. The short acting Adderall and Ritalin. And, the long interim medications such as Vyvance and Concerta, too. That's because they start with a brusk acting heave to rapidly kicking your brain into gear.

According to Dr William Dobson, high doses of vitamin C (k mg.), in pill or juice class, can as well speed upward the excretion of the medication in the urine so it moves out of your system too apace.

So drinking that drinking glass of orangish juice or grapefruit juice when you accept your Adderall or Ritalin is a no-no.

You lot don't have to surrender your daily drinking glass of juice or Vitamin C pill. Wait near an hour before and after y'all have medication. By then the drug has moved through your arrangement where the acid in the citrus won't interfere.

People have unlike experiences with this. It's easy to test information technology out on yourself.

ADHD Medication Mistake #2 : Not eating breakfast.

It doesn't matter if you're late or y'all don't like to eat in the morning. It's important to eat something before you lot accept your ADHD medication. Your meds will work better and you lot'll have fewer side effects. And y'all'll go a meal in before the medication suppresses your appetite.

Y'all don't have to swallow a big repast. Some people aren't breakfast eaters and many people with ADHD run belatedly in the morning.

Even a small, healthy, poly peptide-based snack volition help. A salubrious poly peptide bar or potable (read the labels and watch for extra sugar). A banana and a handful of almonds. Peanut butter toast. Microwave an egg with some salsa added (kokosnoot oil will brand the bowl easier to wash!).

ADHD Medication Error #3 : Not drinking enough water.

Stimulant ADHD medications are dehydrating. Dehydration causes brain fog. 99% of my new coaching clients don't potable enough water whether or not they care for their ADHD with medication. Hydrate upward. If you want your encephalon to work it'southward important.

My get-go sign that I'm dehydrated is brain fog. The stronger sign is a headache. When dehydration goes to headache phase it tin take a couple of days of focused h2o drinking to recover.

Drinking enough h2o is an piece of cake way to aid your ADHD medication piece of work for y'all!

ADHD Medication Fault #4 : Forgetting to refill your prescription.

E'er experience the panic of taking your last Adderall on a Sunday morning time? You lot demand your ADHD medication to focus at piece of work on Mon and at that place's no style to get your prescription refilled in time. (If you lot spend your weekend drifting and unfocused you need your ADHD medication so, too. Just sayin'.)

The solution is simple: make a reminder in your phone to refill your prescription a week earlier your pills run out. Reminders will work better if you use a reminder app, like the Due App. Due doesn't stop bugging yous until you've washed the job. (Lamentable, Android users. The Due App is just for iPhones. If yous have a skillful Android reminder app, let usa know in the comments.)

Another trick a number of my ADHD coaching clients use is to keep a couple of extra pills stashed away simply for these types of emergencies. Bingo. Problem solved. But, this is actually only a ring-aid. The best thing is to call back to refill your prescription.

These are all common ADHD medication mistakes I run into oftentimes with my new ADHD coaching clients. If you're taking Adderall or Ritalin or some other ADHD drug, why not practise everything you can to help information technology work!

I'm curious. Which of these common ADHD medication mistakes are you making? And what steps will you take to avoid them?

Permit me know by adding a comment below.

Keep reading:

  • How to Remember to Beverage H2o
  • ' New ADHD Medication Rules ' by Dr. Charles Parker
  • 10 Targets to Know if Your ADHD Medication is Working

Dana Rayburn is an ADHD Double-decker in Oregon, but don't worry… She works past telephone helping ADHD adults all over the world live more effortlessly and successfully with ADHD.


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